Courier Service

Mohit Enterprise Courier Services is serving across the length & width of the globe .We has tie-ups with the renowned courier companies to provide better service at cheap rates. In all the services the system, policies, procedures followed and service/feedback rendered by Mohit Enterprise Courier Services are excellent and matchless in the industry.Whatever your specific requirements may be, we can provide you with an array of air freight forwarding services or a broader transportation and logistics solution that encompasses your entire global operations.Our own and operated network allows you to have direct line hauls and local clearance at your locations. Strategically placed offices allow speed and efficiency assuring value for money.

All your international shipments are given top priority and are tracked right from pick-up until delivery by the most sophisticated tracking systems. In fact, you can monitor the precise status of your shipments at every step of its journey on our website.We also provide Priority Delivery Service for your valuable shipments.

Develop By : Lv Con Technology

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